The Heads of Agencies serve as the governance structure for the initiative and they report to the SADC Regulators Forum and SADC Health Ministers while the SADC MRH coordinator reports to the Heads of Agencies. The assessors and inspectors each have a coordinator who reports to the SADC MRH project coordinator. The assessors and inspectors from each country are represented by a country focal person. The assessment coordinator, GMP inspections coordinator and SADC MRH project coordinator are seconded by the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) as the SADC MRH implementing agency.


Ms. Sakhile Dube-Mwedzi is the Overall Co-ordinator for the SADC Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (SADC MRH) Project. A pharmacist by profession and a regulatory scientist at heart, Sakhile has been involved with the project since 2015. Her role is to support the Host Agency – the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe, joint SADC/NEPAD Agency Secretariat and SADC Regulators Forum and coordinate overall project implementation, including ZaZiBoNa activities, across all SADC Member States.

Mr Farai B. Masekela is the Assessments Co-ordinator for the SADC Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (SADC MRH) Project. Mr Masekela is a qualified pharmacist with over 11 years of regulatory experience. Mr Masekela presently leads the Medicines Evaluations and Registration Division at MCAZ- Zimbabwe having acquired vast dossier assessment experience and expertise. His role is to coordinate dossier assessment activities and Chair ZAZIBONA assessment sessions.

Mr Sly Mutyavaviri is the GMP Co-ordinator for the SADC Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (SADC MRH) Project. A pharmacist and pharmacoenomist, with 9 years of GMP and GDP inspection experience and 100 plus facilities in Asia, Europe and Africa in his portfolio, Mr Mutyavaviri is effectively executing his role of planning and handling onsite GMP inspections and desk reviews under the ZAZIBONA collaborative procedure.